Memórias de um país antigo 2013
Solo Exhibition — Os Sonhos do Embondeiro
May 17 — June 7, 2013
MNHN Siexpo, Luanda, Angola
In the installation Memories of an old country we can listen to interviews with Angolans who studied in the former GDR, German Democratic Republic, the socialist part of the divided Germany, and recover a piece of contemporary Angolan history. The artist was born in West Germany and only knows the GDR, which
existed until 1990, through stories she was
told. (Suzana Sousa, curator.)
For the interviews of Memórias de um
País antigo
I would like to thank José Bento, Vicencia Cardoso, Naioli Cohen, Nuno Fernandes, Maria Helena Figueiredo, Miguel Hurst, Januário Marra, Sílvia Ochôa Gabriela Simas for their time and interest.