lugânzi — mobile research platform for art & cultural learning
by Iris Buchholz Chocolate, Tila Likunzi
and Atelier Mulemba
lugânzi is an experimental research initiative proposed to capture the contemporary forms of cultural learning and knowledge that sustain art, culture and identity within urban and rural communities in Angola. Focused on knowledge production and distribution, lugânzi is com-
posed of two key elements: a mobile laboratory (pop-up study center) and online platform (website) for the Arts, Culture and Creative Industries.

The mobile laboratory is a custom-fitted trailer conceived as a multifunctional tool. It can fold out to create an outdoor space with the equip-
ment required to run classes, workshops, talks, performances, exhibitions, film screenings and a library/reading space, taking knowledge and educational projects to peripheral urban and rural areas. It aims to stimulate the kind of creative and learning environment and educa-
tional content based on input generated by and for communities, bridging the gap between them and the knowledge institutions — acade-
mia, museums, galleries and cultural industries — that exist in urban centers.

lugânzi targets groupwork to engage with contemporary discourse through the arts.

To decolonize current thinking (informed by colonial philosophies like lusotropicalism and assimilation) is a long process, but to under-
stand history and build from it an identity — why we are, who we are — is the first step to let the mind rise and flourish. Today, the process of unlearning colonial knowledge deserves a wider and deeper debate. Lives should be transformed through education that is relevant to the local contemporary context, that promotes sustain-
able development and social change.


Artistic Director
Iris Buchholz Chocolate

Head of Research
Tila Likunzi

Trailer Design
Atelier Mulemba

in collaboration with SL Rasch GmbH
Special and Lightweight Structures

© lugânzi 2017